I also got in my 2nd Topps Now card in the form of the Topps Now Card of The Month. I couldn't have picked a better time to redeem my Card of the month as the no brainer subject for September was Aaron Judge breaking the Rookie Home Run Record. Basically for every purchase you make on Topps Website you get reward points and one of things you can redeem them for is to get the Card Of The Month. So not bad to get a cool looking Aaron Judge card for free! Here's the pic of the card

So I've made a TON of Topps Now purchases this month (Autographs and Autograph Relics) but since it's going to take a long time to get those in (not expecting those in for another 3 months or so) this will probably be my last post as far of Topps Now goes for a while, but rest assured when I get those cards in, I'll be showing them off here as soon as possible!
The Williams and Ichiro cards are fantastic!