Sold some stuff on Ebay last week and had some Paypal to use to buy some boxes. I wanted Free Shipping so added this to my cart. Figured at $35 wouldn't be too bad of a break. Here's the results
NWO Tribute
Miss Elizabeth
Bret Hart
Big Bubba Rogers
Scott Hall
Black Border Parallel
Booker T
Papa Shango
Silver Border Parallel
Finn Balor
WWE 2K16
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Cards 1 and 8 though both have the same exact picture)
Daniel Bryan
Wade Barrett
Paul Heyman
Shirt Relic
Jimmy Uso
Printing Plate
Sheamus Cyan Printing Plate #1/1
Miss Elizabeth
Bret Hart
Big Bubba Rogers
Scott Hall
Black Border Parallel
Booker T
Papa Shango
Silver Border Parallel
Finn Balor
WWE 2K16
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Cards 1 and 8 though both have the same exact picture)
Daniel Bryan
Wade Barrett
Paul Heyman
Shirt Relic
Jimmy Uso
Printing Plate
Sheamus Cyan Printing Plate #1/1
Overall Thoughts: Well...I just haven't had good luck with Wrestling products. This is my 3rd box and none of the pulls have been that great. Luckily this was a low price gamble so I'm not too upset. I like the 1985 Topps Baseball design used. There are 3 inserts that you get 1 per pack (wasn't gonna list them all because you get 72 cards of them) the Then & Now set, which has a pic of a WWE Superstar in their early days and current, Rookie Of The Year (I like this insert set) which starting from 1983 picks a standout "rookie" for the WWE that year, and NXT Callups, which just seems like an Alumni set for wrestlers who started in NXT. The only other inserts besides the Parallels are the NWO Tribute set. Again, I wish there were harder to find different inserts, only the parallels can be tough, but I've come to accept that's how WWE Topps Products work. I did pull a Finn Balor Silver Parallel (silvers are 1 per box) so not a bad guy to pull as the first ever WWE Universal Champion. My hits were bla, a Sheamus 1/1 Printing Plate (3rd ever 1/1 pull but two of them have been printing plates) and Jimmy Uso Relic card. Don't like that the Printing Plate counts as a "hit/relic", but oh well. All in all, fun at the very least. Here's pics of some of the cards!

Look at the base card design, borrowed from 1985 Topps Baseball

Black Border Parallel

Rookie Of The Year Insert Set

NXT Called Up Insert Set

Then And Now Insert Set

NWO Tribute Set

2K16 Insert Set

Finn Balor Silver Parallel

Jimmy Uso Shirt Relic

Front of Sheamus Printing Plate #1/1

Back of Printing Plate
Top 5 Pulls of 2016
#1- 2016 Topps Tribute Superfractor Autograph Alex Gordon (#1/1)
#2- 2015-16 Panini Prizms Rookie Signatures Silver Prizms Kristaps Porzingis (#25/25)
#1- 2016 Topps Tribute Superfractor Autograph Alex Gordon (#1/1)
#2- 2015-16 Panini Prizms Rookie Signatures Silver Prizms Kristaps Porzingis (#25/25)
#3- 2016 Topps Tribute Milestone Relic Game Used Ball Kris Bryant (#5/10)
#4-2016 Donruss Signature Marks Gold Terry Bradshaw (#1/5)
#5-15-16 Limited Gold Spotlight Dual Signatures Kristaps Porzingis/Jerian Grant (#8/10)#4-2016 Donruss Signature Marks Gold Terry Bradshaw (#1/5)
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